Not Reading is Not Fun

I'm so sorry I haven't posted a review in a while. The book I'm reading right now is slow going, but I'm trying to get through it. It gets difficult though, when school starts tomorrow! This week I was drowned in early morning sports practices, school shopping, and organizing. I'm not at all looking forward to the school year as it means that I'm going to be so much more busy. I'm sorry if I'm not posting reviews as often as I was during the summer, but I'm sure you can all understand my reasons. Oh, but the thing that's brightening my outlook is that I got a laptop! I used to have to use our family PC which was very slow and I had to compete for time on it with the other members of my family, but now I'm the proud owner of a shiny white Macbook. Yay! 

One thing in which I may redeem myself and my non-reading is that I'm starting a new feature next week (hopefully). It's fun, it's cool, and I think you guys'll like it. So definitely be on the lookout for that and a few new reviews. If I can squish some reading time in.