Happy Meme

There was no solid Booking Through Thursday prompt to post about today so I'm going to do a little happy meme instead. :P

Korianne tagged me for this.
- Link to the person who tagged you
- List 6 things that make you happy
-Post the rules, tag 6 others and let them know you did
-Then tell the person who tagged you your entry is finished!

1. Chai tea. I'm not a huge coffee person. I'll drink it, yeah, but with lots of sugar. The better option would be the calory filled cup of chai. Mmm.

2. Charlotte Sometimes' CD. Found it thanks to I Heart Daily and now I'm listening to it obsessively

3. Taking pictures. I'm definitely not very good but it's fun to do. I'm taking one self portrait a day this year. :)

4. Changing seasons. Which is good since I live in the state with the craziest seasons. I like each of 'em and they all happen to the fullest here.

5. Books.

6. Finding the perfect shampoo.